Pediatric Chiropractic
at Whole Body Health
Throughout pregnancy, birth, and childhood, the chiropractic lifestyle offers choices and benefits for your family’s greater health and well-being.
Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care
- Promotes healthy and regular spine development.
- Diminishes the long-term effects of childhood falls and tumbles, reducing the possibility of adulthood problems.
- Improves and supports nervous system function, allowing for optimal health.
Many parents report that after receiving regular chiropractic adjustments, there is a marked improvement in their children’s quality of life, particularly in their immune, digestive, and respiratory systems.
Why Should Children See a Chiropractor?
Addressing Common Childhood Health Concerns
The causes of many newborn and childhood health concerns can often be traced to nerve irritation due to spinal misalignment. Since significant spinal trauma can occur at or prior to birth, many parents elect to have their baby’s spine checked right after birth.
Our Approach to Pediatric Care
At Whole Body Health, we understand that children are not just small adults. Our approach to pediatric chiropractic care is tailored to the unique needs of growing bodies:
Gentle Adjustments
What Our Young Patients Say
I enjoy going to the chiropractor because it empties my mind for a new week!”
– C.W. | Age 7
I like going to the chiropractor because I go in stiff and come out fresh!”
– B.W. | Age 10
What Parents Say
I am very happy with the care that Austin received. It has made a huge improvement in his walking and he loves coming for a visit. Everyone is so warm and welcoming and we were given so much useful information.”
– Austin’s Parent
A Healthier Family
Families that are cared for by a chiropractor are usually healthier and enjoy a quality, wellness lifestyle. By addressing spinal health early in life, we can help set the stage for a lifetime of better health and well-being.