Cupping at Whole Body Health
Mention cupping, and you may think of the deep purple circular marks on Michael Phelps’ back and shoulders during the 2016 Summer Olympics. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to benefit from this therapy, which has become popular for those seeking a natural way to address tension, inflammation, and other body ailments.
What Are the Benefits?
Cupping therapy is particularly ideal for compressive injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. By drawing pressure outward, cupping helps separate tight tissues, easing tension without adding pressure. It also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in the movement of inflammation and excess fluid out of the body. In addition, this healing method can be used to relieve sinus congestion through a gentle facial application that doesn’t leave any visible marks.
Types of Cupping:
Static and Vacuum
There are different approaches to cupping therapy. One method, known as static cupping, involves placing cups on targeted areas of the body and leaving them in place for a short period.
At Whole Body Health, we use vacuum or ACE cupping. This method attaches the cups to a small hose, allowing for controlled suction, which can either remain static or be moved around to massage the area.
Treatment Frequency & Post-Session Care
Cupping is often added to regular massage therapy sessions rather than conducted as a stand-alone treatment, except when it’s part of a dedicated lymphatic drainage plan. When used on its own, this healing technique is typically performed once a week for about five weeks.
After your session, don’t be alarmed by the circular marks, which are normal. However, these aren’t bruises; they represent areas where toxins and inflammation have been drawn to the surface. Despite their appearance, the marks are painless and usually fade within a few days. After your session, staying hydrated is important to support the body’s natural detoxification process.
Book an Appointment
Discover how cupping therapy can support your wellness journey by scheduling an appointment with RMT Evana MacQueen today!